"It is through HIM that we have received grace (God's unmerited favor) and our apostleship to promote obedience to the faith and make disciples for His name's sake among all the nations." - Romans 1:5
Mastering leadership is a myth as it is always changing. In fact, to be more accurate to the overall purpose and development of a leader, the term should be expanded to "servant leadership". In this way, as the leader is always in the service of those he leads, he can never master leadership since he has to always adapt to the needs of those around him. One can't add value to others until he first adds value to himself. Everyone raises their hands when given the question of who believes leaders are learners because that is an easy crowd-pleasing question - a no brainer. However, when asked what areas do they need to work on or what are they currently learning, you hear crickets in the room because no one wants to seem frail or lacking any skills in front of their peers. This is an attitude that needs to change as well. We would agree that one skill of a good servant leader is being transparent. Well that applies not only within the workplace among direct reports, but in those meetings with your peers as well. Learning opportunities are all around us. An area you need improvement in may be an area of strength for someone else and vice-versa. That is an opportunity for a new collaboration and in that collaboration is strength. One of my favorite sayings is ,"None of us is as smart as all of us". Once we realize this, we will begin the never-ending journey of servant leadership.
John Maxwell once stated that, "the bottom line in leadership isn't how far we advance ourselves, but how far we advance others. Leaders add value to others by serving others." No matter how many titles or degrees we possess, we need to remember that we are of no benefit to others unless we add value to them. If we do not add value to them, they will not follow, and a leader with no one following is just out for a walk. Servant leaders need to take the time to find out what makes their direct reports tick. What are their needs and wants? How can the servant leader support these desires? By taking their own experiences and knowledge and COACHING their direct reports through situations, rather than TELLING them what to do, they are adding value to them. Everyone needs to grow through their own experience, not someone else's.
As you go forward, consider the following thought, "If you desire to add value by serving others, you will become a better leader." How does this work for you? What does it look like in your life (professionally and personally)?